Category / Case studies
We were referred to a couple who were holding money on trust for a child to receive at adulthood. The capital was an inheritance and had been placed on deposit in a building society. However, this busy couple had additional responsibilities required by law under the terms of the Trustee Act 2000 and asked Investment Choices for help.
Investing for income
Our new client, who had been retired for a number of years, was facing a dilemma. Having become accustomed to a certain level of income in retirement, she was faced with a drop in income due to maturing fixed rate interest-paying bonds. The replacement bonds were paying only the much lower rates of interest available today.
Investing for income and growth
Our clients had a substantial portfolio of assets invested across shares, unit trusts, pensions, ISAs and investment bonds. They had also built up a significant number of shares in their employer’s share save scheme.
Their objective was to achieve an amount of regular income in retirement that could be varied according to their changing circumstances. They appreciated that current low levels of interest rates paid on deposit could not achieve their desired outcome.
Investing for growth
Our clients, busy individuals who run their own business, had built up a substantial portfolio of general investments, ISAs and pension funds.
Their principal objective was to build capital for their eventual retirement which was likely to be phased in over a number of years.
Drawdown in retirement
Our client had been considering options for his pension fund when he was referred to Investment Choices. During our initial meeting we discovered that he and his wife were planning to continue contributing towards their retirement savings for another couple of years. We agreed to meet annually from then on.